Keywords: King James I of England, history, King James VI of Scotland, James Charles Stuart, King James I, Mary Queen of Scots, King James VI, Authorized Version, 1611, James I, Jacobean, King James VI & I, King James Version, biography of King James I, King James Bible, life and writings of King James I, KJV, KJB, House of Stuart, VI, I.
May 2011 marked the
400th Year Anniversary
of the
Important (yet concise) historical information found at this link
In 1604, King James I of Great Britain specially commanded the translation of what came to be known as the Authorized (King James) Version of 1611 of the Bible. He is also the founding monarch of the United States. Jamestown, Virginia, established in 1607, is named after King James and is known as, "America's birthplace" and "Where America began." Click here to see various signs found in Jamestown, VA as well as a few of the other of King James' namesakes' found in the region. Also see, Chronicles of the United States of America: From Adam to Jamestown to Independence--and Beyond (this work in progress shows a trail of significant events from the time of the infamous Roman Catholic attempt to kill king James unto the current day).
- Biography of King James VI & I
- King James VI & I -- A Biographical Sketch
- Interesting facts about King James I
- Why is King James called VI & I?
- King James I: Great Britain's Solomon
- King James I: Designed Great Britain's Flag
- The Kingdom of King James I: Great Britain
- King James VI & I: His Family
- Jamestown, Virginia signs (Jamestown, VA--America's birthplace--is King James' namesake)
- King James and the Defense of the Right of Kings ("It is often mentioned that King James VI & I spoke about the divine right of kings, but many do not know why he did this. They may think that they know, but they have not read the king's workes for themselves--what they "know" is what somebody told them. They just accepted the interpretation of a professor, textbook author, etc.")
- King James and the Divine Right of Kings ("In the minds of many, the doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings is closely (if not exclusively) associated with King James VI & I. It is important to note, however, that the Divine Right of Kings (the idea that kings are accountable to God alone), neither began nor ended with King James.")
- King James Charles Stuart Picture Gallery
- The House of Stuart Geneaology
- Geneaology from King James I to Prince Charles and Princess Diana (and subsequent descendants)
- How King James I was related to the Tudors of England
- King James VI & I: The Unheralded Reformer
- The Meeting of King James VI of Scotland and Tycho Brahe (it is said that the learned king and the notable astronomer discussed the Copernican system amongst other matters)
- King James was NEVER Roman Catholic ("A strange thing can be heard today--that King James was Roman Catholic...but King James said himself that he was NEVER Roman Catholic. In fact, he labored to prove that he had never been Roman Catholic.")
- Now online: The Workes of the Most High and Mightie Prince Iames -- This facsimile edition of James' Workes is 688 pages and is prefaced with reader helps--including an excellent summary of the writings contained in The Workes. Click here for the summary and a link to James' Workes. The Workes is an amazing, scarce collection of King James' writings first published in 1616. The Workes contains many of the king's most famous writings (e.g. Basilicon Doron, Daemonologie, Counterblaste to Tobacco, and sundry speeches) IN ADDITION TO HIS LESSER KNOWN CHRISTIAN WRITINGS. When you read the king's writings, you will find his faith in Jesus Christ and the holy scriptures manifested everywhere--including in his political speeches before the lords of the British parliament. ||| Throughout this landmark volume runs a common message that Rome does not want you to hear.
- A MEDITATION Vpon the 27. 28. 29. Verses of the XXVII Chapter of Saint MATTHEW. OR A PATERNE FOR A KINGS INAVGVRATION
- A Fruitfull Meditation on Revelation 20:7-10 by King James VI & I
- The Seduced Opinion of the Multitude (King James' The Trew Law of Free Monarchies: or The Reciprock and mutuall duetie betwixt a free King and his naturall Subiects was written for the welfare of his people and has important applications for men today. Article includes a substantial excerpt of Trew Law. Trew Law, in its entirety, can be found in James' Workes beginning on page 191.)
- The Seduced Opinion of the Multitude II -- A Sample Means of Seduction
- Basilicon Doron by King James VI (begins on page 137 of James' Workes)
- King James I and Papal Opposition (was King James a "closet" Catholic? This study includes excerpts of King James' own writings)
- King James I Opening address at Hampton Court
- King James I on peace and the union of Scotland and England
- King James VI & I on Kingship
- Main index page of articles on the Gunpowder Plot of 1605
- A Discourse of the Manner of the Powder Treason, Joined with the Examination of Some of the Prisoners. (By King James, taken from his Workes. An interesting overview of how King James and the British Parliament were miraculously spared being blown up in a plot by Roman Catholics--which included Jesuit conspirators.)
- King James I on the infamous Gunpowder Plot (An attempt by Roman Catholic conspirators to blow up King James, his wife, his son, and the British Parliament in 1605)
- King James I on the Divine Right of Kings
- Counterblast to Tobacco (Referred to as the first anti-smoking tract. Modernized spelling version with some definitions added by the editor.)
- King James I Declaration of Sportes
- The Authorized King James Version of 1611 (includes links to reading the King James Bible online, an overview of the Bible, etc.)
- The Authorized Version of the Holy Scriptures: The Precepts of a Mighty Nation ("By definition, any Bible version that is not the Authorized Version of the Bible is an unauthorized version; all modern Bible versions are unauthorized...")
- "What about the translations of the Bible that existed before the Authorized Version of 1611? what is to be made of them?" (The King James translators themselves answer the question. Also, "read on about the translators, the impact of the Authorized Version, strange fire after two and half centuries, chief adversaries of the translation, and King James himself standing as a bulwark of protection. We have much to be thankful for.")
- Overview of the Bible (especially helpful for those who would like to better understand the flow of the Old Testament and basic Bible geography.)
- Download and bind your own Authorized King James Bible (Pure Cambridge Edition) (Free. With two columns like a traditional Bible.)
- 400th Year Anniversary of the King James Bible Page
- The Translators of the King James Bible (a group of linguists unlike the world has ever known) ||| Epistle Dedicatory of the King James Bible (the translators were traduced and maligned by "Popish Persons" and "selfconceited Brethren.") ||| Translators to the Reader (The translation was calumniated and spoken against by those same "Popish Persons" and "selfconceited Brethren.")
- A Small Treatise Against the Primacy of the Pope (published in 1549 by King Edward VI of England (cousin of King James) when King Edward was eleven years old.)
- Main index page of articles on the Gunpowder Plot of 1605
- Transcription of the Gunpowder Plot Trial Roman Catholics tried to kill King James I . Taken from Collection of State Trials.
- Mischief Mystery; or Treason's Masterpiece, the Powder Plot A 1617 tract against the Catholic religion.
- The Mayflower Compact King James I was founding monarch of the first successful colonies in America.
- The Trial of King Charles I Extracts from his own defence.
- The Last Words of King Charles I Oliver Cromwell and other hostile insurgents illegally executed King James VI & I's son/successor, Charles I. Legal classification? Regicide. Heare his last words on the scaffold. "Puritan" Oliver Cromwell ended up dissolving parliment just as Charles had.
- Eikon Basilike, or, The King's Book written by Charles I during his captivity at Carisbrook Castle in 1648 and published posthumously. Reveals the king to have possessed a mature Christian character in the face of his imprisonment and death.
- THE TRIAL AND EXECUTION OF CHARLES I (The people did not want King Charles executed. This article reveals the type of person that Oliver Cromwell was.)
- John Knox -- Preached King James' coronation sermon
- Shakespeare: One of King James I's Most Famous Subjects
- Jacobean Era & Traditional Scottish Music Lyrics and music!
- Food & Dining of the Elizabethan Period
- King James VI & I and Jacobean Links
- Queen Elizabeth I: King James' Predecessor (links)
- The Tudors (short histories of the Tudor monarchs)
- Summaries & Highlights of The Workes of the Most High and Mightie Prince, Iames, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
- How to Achieve Historical Justice Are the rumors enough to convict King James I?
- Insult to Indictment The critical case against King James VI & I examined
- Did King James I Burn Baptists?
- The Royal Martyr: An Egalitarian Narrative Of The Caroline Reality "a more egalitarian historical view of the royal martyr", King Charles I. Answers Puritanical reactionary views.
- The Judicial Heritage of the United States of America The role of Great Britain in American jurisprudence
- The Spiritual Peerage Monarchy and the Bible
- King James and the Puritans (Puritanical types are constantly bashing King James. My feeble protest to a Bob Jones University professor.)
The Most High and Mighty Prince James By the Grace of God,
King of England, Scotland, France, Ireland, Wales,
Defender of the Faith, and Renowned Christian King.Where the word of a king is, there is power.
A special thanks to
Mr. Stephen A. Coston, Sr. and Mr. Richard Neumeier
who provided the inspiration for this page.![]()
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Keywords: King James I of England, history, King James VI of Scotland, King James VI & I, Great Britain, English monarch,
writings of King James I, King James VI, His Majesty King James, Workes of King James VI & I,
Thomas Campion's, When thou Must Home