The Holy Bible
Authorized King James Version of 1611
(Pure Cambridge Edition)
ALERT!!! There are publishers that have been CHANGING/ALTERING THE AUTHORIZED KING JAMES BIBLE (find out more information below)! Print out and bind your own free download of the Authorized Version (Authorized King James Version) of the Bible (The Pure Cambridge Edition) while you can.
From this page you are now reading, you can read the King James Bible (Pure Cambridge Edition) online or download it. You can also learn more about it. The King James Bible is the AUTHORIZED Version of the Bible--the name says it all, "Authorized Version," and "Authorized King James Version".
The King James Version is known in Britain, where it was translated, as the "Authorised Version."
It is over 400 years old and known worldwide as the "Authorized Version". Read about this in--
"By definition, any Bible version that is not the Authorized Version of the Bible is an unauthorized version;
all modern Bible versions are unauthorized versions..."
Alert! Publishers (including Cambridge--read more about Cambridge on the webpages linked to on this page) have been changing/altering the King James Bible in different ways like (spelling, adding in abominations like cartoon pictures, "cross-references", "center-column references", "commentaries", etc.)! We need the plain Bible just as it is supposed to be. The Authorized King James Bible is our bread. Christians are not beholden to heathen publishers, we should have been printing out our own Bibles this whole time. It is time to be knowledgeable and not lazy and unwise. We have computers, printers with ink in them, and paper. The Bibles can be securely bound with a GBC hand-operated hole punch and some yarn--read this webpage, the information is here. The Bible can be put in binders. Individual books of the Bible can be printed out and bound (or stapled if they do not have many pages) and read on a daily walk or relaxing on a balcony.
In taking the "How to Know the Pure Cambridge Edition (PCE) of the King James Bible" test, the two Cambridge Bibles I tested (they were not Pure Cambridge Editions) did not even agree with each other 100% of the time! Just take your own Bibles and run several different ones through the test and note where they pass and fail and see that all these King James Bibles are not matching up with each other.
From this page you can read the King James Bible online, download it, learn more about it and what it can do.
- Download the Authorized Version (Pure Cambridge Edition) for free. (This link contains important information that all Christians need to know. It also has a VERY NICE download of the Authorized Version without the alterations made in modern publications of the King James Bible. Has double columns like a traditional Bible. You can printout and bind your own KJV Bible with this free download. Print it out while you can! Don't depend on electricity--print it out. You can also access and print out individual books of the Bible from this page you are currently reading--easy to carry about and read, even on a walk with your children. Some books are small enough to be stapled. Larger individual books can also be individually bound ('earn a sturdy binding method at this link) We are not beholden to heathen publishers. We should have ALWAYS kept Bible publishing in the hands of the church and individual Christians.)
- On this website we have some very interesting, rare, and hard-to-find information on King James, the King who specially commanded the translation of the Authorized King James Version (KJV) of 1611. We Christians would do well to take heed to King James' comment on Christian conduct: "Holiness is the first and most requisite quality of a Christian (as proceeding from true fear and knowledge of God)."
- How to know the Pure Cambridge Edition of the Authorized King James Bible (A test to see if the Bible that you hold is pure and without alterations.)
- Overview of the Bible (especially helpful for those who would like to better understand the flow of the Old Testament and basic Bible geography.)
- The Authorized Version of the Holy Bible: The Precepts of a Mighty Nation ("By definition, any Bible version that is not the Authorized Version is an unauthorized version.")
- "What about the translations of the Bible that existed before the Authorized Version of 1611? what is to be made of them?" (The King James translators themselves answer the question. Also in the article, "read on about the translators, the impact of the Authorized Version, strange fire after two and half centuries, chief adversaries of the translation, and King James himself standing as a bulwark of protection. We have much to be thankful for.")
- If you wish to get a traditional Bible, see (see the boxed section entitled, "2014 Update").
- Bible measures: Cubit ||| Span |||Handbreadth ("It is handy to know your cubit, your span, and your handbreadth--many, many things can be measured and estimated very nicely without a ruler or measuring tape, just stick out your arm.")
- The Roman Catholic Church, her Jesuits, and Modern Bible Versions (Does Rome have anything to do with the modern unauthorized Bible versions?)
- Did the Roman Catholic Church give us the Bible?
- Now on to the hideous... (Cursor a short way down the article to, "Now to the hideous..." to see how an unauthorized version can take out the word "sodomite" and then how certain people actually turn around and say that the Bible has nothing to say about "homosexuality.")
- All new Bible versions are unauthorized versions in contradistinction to the Authorized Version of 1611--whether they be "Negro-centric" (I am a Negro), "Semitic" (I am a daughter of Abraham), etc.
- Strong's concordance lists the words of the Authorized Version alphabetically and the verse in which they are found (ignore the "Hebrew" and "Greek", etc.). This can help when trying to find a specific passage for which you know a key word or words (in English). If you cannot obtain a Strong's concordance at a local Christian bookstore you may wish to try (in their catalogues I've seen them sell all kinds of abominable things and unauthorized versions, be careful)
- Why I Only Read the Authorized King James Version (KJV) of 1611
- What spirit is behind the new Bible versions?
- Does Rome have anything to do with the unauthorized modern versions?
- All modern Bible versions are unauthorized versions (examples of what has been done in the unauthorized versions--removing tens of thousands of words, taking out the word "sodomite" as if becoming a "No Sins 'Bible'", deleting whole verses, changing words, paraphrasing, etc.)
- Some do not believe that Codex Sinaiticus is authentic (One of the two main "manuscripts" that many unauthorized versions are based on. Some believe it may be a forgery.)
- "Authorised Successor"?????
- The Cambridge website claims that the Authorized King James Bible has NEVER been perfectly represented in print. They have also introduced their NEW edition of the King James Version. (To those who understand the times in which we live, this must certainly appear as the old bait and switch trick.)
You can download and print out a pure copy of the Authorized King James Bible for yourself. You can put it in a three-ring binder or utilize this simple, strong, secure, bookbinding method. Biblical Scholarship is an amazing fruit of having the Authorized King James Version (KJV) in hand and heart--such scholarship is literally impossible with any other Bible version--no exceptions. Babies can read as a matter of course, three year olds can read, understand, and copy the Authorized Version, four year olds can add four digit numbers, and a child's baseline education can be completed before seven years of age when utilizing the Authorized Version in a sanctified homeschool. Here is an excerpt from
ONLY ONE BIBLE WILL PRODUCE BIBLICAL SCHOLARSHIPOnly the real Bible will produce Biblical Scholarship--the Authorized (King James) Version of the Holy Scriptures. No other Bible version will work in Biblical Scholarship because the modern versions, written by modern deceived man, are not the word of God. Those so-called "archaic" words found in the Authorized Version are not archaic; they can be found in every domain today--if you are looking.
When the NIV changes the warp and the woof of Leviticus 13:48 to "woven or knitted material" you can never figure out how material is made. You won't even stop to think about it--all you can do is go to the store and buy a woven or a knitted garment. With the warp and the woof of the King James Bible, on the other hand, you can talk to the weaver who may tell you that they now call it the warp and the weft (but it will always be the warp and the woof to you). This actually happened to me--and not just in the area of weaving, but across all kinds of disciplines. As a result of Biblical Scholarship, you and your children can talk to anybody and judge methods--whether they be good or corrupt.
Those ROBUST, PRECISE WORDS of the Authorized Version form a CRYSTAL CLEAR roadmap out of the wreckage of modern, machine life BACK to ancient understandings, ancient manhood, ancient womanhood, ancient childhood. We are NOT the same people as the ancients. We are weak-minded and dependent on somebody else for every morsel of food that we eat. May each true disciple turn off that filthy tv FOREVER, recover himself from the snare of the devil, and walk in the light of God's word.
The Authorized
King James Version (KJV) of 1611Old Testament
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
- Joshua
- Judges
- Ruth
- I Samuel
- II Samuel
- I Kings
- II Kings
- I Chronicles
- II Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther
- Job
- Psalms
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Solomon
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel
- Daniel
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah
- Malachi
New Testament
. . . . . . . . . . . .
This is an
King James Version
of 1611
Salvation, vigor, strength, and power rest in the King James Bible
Ecclesiastes 8:4 says, "Where the word of a king is, there is POWER."
Print out and bind your own Authorized King James Bible
| Eternal Life | Hell is Real | The Gospel According to John |
| My Testimony |Why I Read the Authorized King James Version of 1611| | The Hymnal | Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ | | Epistle Dedicatory to the Authorized King James Bible of 1611 |
Home for hundreds of articles
Keywords: Authorised Version, KJV, Authorized King James Version, Holy Bible, 1611, King James Bible, Authorized Version of 1611, King James Version, AKJV, King James Bible, Pure Cambridge Edition, download, read, online